



农村医学学者项目(RMSP) The 农村医学学人计划 is a multi-departmental program organized and coordinated through the Department of Family Medicine. Its purpose is to enhance the educational experience of students who may wish to practice in a rural or small town community. 农村卫生服务计划寻求对农村卫生感兴趣的合格申请人, 在临床前几年提供特殊培训和支持, 包括在农村社区进行临床培训.

MD /博士课程: 上州医科大学’s MD /博士课程 is designed for individuals interested in pursuing a career as physician-scientists in academic medicine. During the students' first two years of training they complete courses in the 医学院. They then advance into the laboratory where they spend three to four years completing additional coursework and dissertation research under the auspices of one of the faculty members in 研究生院. 在实验室里的时间随着博士论文的答辩而达到高潮, after which students re-enter the 医学院 to complete their training in the various clinical clerkships. 总学习时间不超过8年. Throughout the training students will also participate in MD/PhD specific coursework and activities.

MD /英里程序: A joint degree program in which a student interested in both medicine and public health can obtain both degrees in five years. 认识到公共卫生问题对患者健康和保健的影响, this joint degree is designed to train medical students to be effective physicians using both patient-based medical education coupled with population-based public health training. All students in the MD/MPH program must meet the same graduation requirements as traditional MPH students.

本毕业班学生平均学时: 4年

遵守AAMC医学院关于学业成绩单的指导方针: 上州医科大学医学院遵守了指导方针.




•及格(P) -成功完成课程的所有要求.
•不及格(F) -未能成功达到课程的所有要求.
• Conditional (CO) - An interim grade for failing part of the course requirements in a first attempt. 有条件的成绩需要具体的补救工作. Standards for remediation attempts for a conditional grade should not vary from original requirements.
• Incomplete (I) - Student has participated in a significant portion of the course but the requirements of the course have not been completed, 由于情有可原的情况.
•退出(W) -退出一门课程.
• Fail/Academic Dishonesty) (XF) - Student was found guilty of academic dishonesty by judicial process.
• Credit (CR) - Credit is awarded for work completed at another institution or another college within the 上州医科大学. 


除以上成绩外, a 第二阶段 student's academic performance in clerkships and electives (also referred to as courses) may be evaluated on an Honors/High Pass/Pass/Fail system utilizing norm-referenced, 评分标准:
•荣誉(H) -在学科领域表现突出, 远远超出了课程的要求. Criteria for an Honors grade in each clerkship will be set based on previous years’ historical data in that clerkship.
•高及格(HP) -表现明显高于预期,但没有资格获得荣誉. Criteria for a High Pass grade in each clerkship will be set based on previous years’ historical data in that clerkship.


在医学院课程的第一阶段,成绩是通过/不及格. 不计算等级. 在课程的实习年, 成绩分为荣誉/及格/及格/不及格. Class rank is calculated based on the weighted cumulative average of the actual grade earned where numeric values are assigned to the letter grades as follows: Honors = 4; High Pass = 3; Pass (on first attempt) = 2; Pass (on repeat attempt) = 1; and Fail, 不及格/学术不诚实= 0. 从书记员年度的实际数字排名将不会公布, as class rank is reported in categories (“Superior” is limited to the top 20% of students and “Outstanding” includes the next 20% of students. The remainder of the students are ranked as “Very Good” or “Good” with “Good” not exceeding 10% of the class.).


1. MSPE的班级排名将完全基于所需的实习年课程.
2. 第一阶段的成绩不计入MSPE班级排名.
3. Electives and acting internships will not be factored into MSPE class rank but those grades and narratives will be included in the MSPE for residency applications.

All students take an 上州医科大学 administered Gateway examination at the end of the first year of medical school. The 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Gateway examination is a comprehensive examination of the integrated content of the first year curriculum. 北州门户考试的分数不计入学术地位.


所有学生都将在核心职员学年开始前准备参加USMLE第一步, 上州医科大学校历每年公布的日期是哪一天. 学生 are allowed up to three attempts within one year of completing the basic science curriculum to pass USMLE Step 1. 

2 .临床知识(4YP)
学生必须在毕业年度的8月15日之前参加USMLE第二步CK考试. 任何异常
使用此政策需要事先获得本科医学教育副院长的批准. 学生最多可以尝试三次,从原来的12月1日起一年 通过USMLE第二步临床检查的截止日期.

All students in the 3YP must take the USMLE Step 1 during the allocated period and must pass on their first attempt to remain in the 3YP.

All students are required to pass an 上州医科大学 administered Clinical Skills Exam at the beginning of the fourth year of medical school to assess the core clinical skills of communication, 资料收集(病史和体检), 和临床推理(鉴别诊断), 诊断治疗方案).  除了, most core clerkships require passing a subject specific Standardized Patient Exam as part of the overall evaluation of the medical student performance and to pass the clerkship.

学生通过考试得到评价, 口头和书面, 通过实验室的直接观察, 讨论组, 在临床环境中. 总结性评价结果为每门课程打分, 也可能包括对学生的叙述性评价. 所有临床见习的成绩都附有叙述. Basic science courses may include a narrative if the amount of personal contact between the faculty and student allows knowledgeable assessment of performance that is not otherwise captured by the course grade. 成绩和临床叙述在MSPE中逐字打印.

The MSPE for each student comprises all objective and subjective formal evaluations during medical school. Other information is provided by the student regarding their co-curricular and research experiences. The MSPE process is facilitated by the 院长办公室 of 学生事务 and MSPE writers include members of the Dean’s staff. 学生被允许,并鼓励,审查MSPE之前传输.