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Reps and Resources

Media Resources for Reps

Use the posters listed below in your presentations and emails. Right click on the poster image to download for your use.  Inspiring videos are available for your use as well.


2023 Incentive Poster

CGC Information Sheet

Non-Profits at Noon Series

Thank you to all our dedicated department representatives. Because of your leadership, we are confident that this campaign will be a success! 

2023 Department Rep Training PowerPoint 

 Cookie ordering form

What is your role?

  • Help co-workers appreciate the value of the campaign
  • Encourage co-workers to donate
  • Alert co-workers to prizes/incentives (Daily $100 and United Way Step Up)
  • Help co-workers navigate the website to pledge
  • Promote campaign through electronic materials (e-mail messages, videos, video-conferencing) that you receive from the campaign

How to manage your team

Before Sept. 27 (start of the campaign)
  • Get the list of employees you are responsible for.
  • Log onto fitgreenlife.com
  • Click “Community Giving Campaign” under “My Information”
  • Click “Your Depts” (third tab over)
  • Click “Export to Excel” This is your list!
  • Check the list weekly to find out who in your dept. has pledged
  • Thank the co-workers who have pledge, and nudge those who have not made the time to give.


  • One-time payroll deduction 
  • Paper pledges are discouraged but available on the website. Must be sent from the donor to the United Way of CNY. 

Additional Resources

Virtual Backgrounds
